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Emergencies normally happen when you least expect them and at the most inconvenient time. Below are some guidelines you may find helpful.

This advice is NOT a substitute for a proper consultation with a vet and is only intended as a guide.


Apply a clean cloth to the area and apply firm pressure to the wound during transport.


  • Avoid touching your pet, especially around the mouth as they may bite you unintentionally (they have no control over their body during seizures).

  • Make a note of the time the seizure started, so you can time how long the seizures last for. If seizuring stops, note how long it takes for your pet to recover.

  • Try to keep your pet as cool as possible, do no not wrap in towels or blankets, as they can overheat during seizures.

  • Above all keep yourself safe.

  • If possible, you may be able to put a blanket under your pet to ease lifting into the car for transport.

  • Often seizures are caused by slug/snail bait. If you have laid bait in your garden, please bring the box with you.


  • Monitor breathing and keep the neck extended to open the airway during transport.

  • If possible (and safe) pull the tongue out to the side of the mouth.


  • Try not to panic!

  • Keep your pet warm by wrapping them in a blanket, keeping the nose and mouth exposed and carefully transport them to the clinic.

  • If you think they may have broken bones, keep them as still as possible and place them on a hard moveable surface, such as a piece of wooden board (covered with a blanket).

  • Do not give any medications eg Paracetamol or any other kind of human medication (as these can be toxic to most pets)


  • Keep your pet calm and warm in a blanket.

  • Try not to handle any more than necessary, as your pet may be in pain even though there may not be any visible wounds.

  • If your pet is small enough place in a washing basket or a box lined with a towel for easy transport.

  • If your dog is large place them on a blanket for easy lifting.


  • Act fast, as time is critical in these situations.

  • Bring with you any packaging of toxin ingested by your pet.

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